Smartphone Heating: Is It Dangerous and How It Happens
Does your phone feel hot, like it’s just been held in a hot frying pan? The problem of smartphone heating is common, but it’s quite solvable. Let’s talk about ways to fix this problem and find out why your phone heats up.
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Should the Phone Be Warm
A turned off device always has an ambient temperature. But as soon as the smartphone is turned on and its user starts working, playing at tonybet.com, scrolling through social media, or chatting on Facebook, the battery powers its boards, activates the screen and speakers, and all of this, while working, produces some heat. But the designers of mobile gadgets specifically consider the design so as to remove excess heat and not to let the device overheat because due to high temperatures significantly reduces the life of any electronics.
Is There a Danger in the Heating of the Smartphone?
It’s not terrible when your phone gets a little warm, but if it gets excessively hot while working – it’s worth doing some diagnostics. For example, if when running a “heavy” game the device becomes slightly warmer than the hand holding it, everything is fine. And if it becomes physically uncomfortable to use the smartphone because of the high temperature, then there is a danger.
The processor and the battery are the most exposed to heat. And if the first is able to withstand for a long time a fairly high temperature, the battery at such loads will quickly begin to wither and at best will stop working. In the worst case, the battery will either bloat, irreparably damaging the other parts of the phone, or the excessive temperature will melt and even catch fire.
If your smartphone is starting to smoke when you are using it, immediately throw it out of your hands and have fire-extinguishing means ready.
Signs of Device Overheating
There is no need to panic, barely feeling a slight heat while working with the gadget. The main rule is that being warm for a phone is normal. Hot is bad.
The second sign is implicit: even with a severe overheating of the processor as a whole, the temperature of the phone may seem normal. Pay attention to performance: if the RAM isn’t loaded with anything, you don’t run resource-intensive applications, but the gadget is still running slowly – there is a possibility of hidden overheating.
The third sign is that the device begins to run down quickly. Again, in the absence of other causes, it may be that the battery is strongly heated.
7 Reasons Why Your Phone Is Very Warm
Hot Weather
Strange as it may seem, but this is a fairly common cause of overheating of the device. Hot summer, smartphone in a pants pocket – there is an effect of a natural steam bath. A few hours of such use can significantly reduce the life and quality of the battery.
Intense Use
Although the smartphone can be used around the clock, it’s better to give it a little “rest” once in a while. Playing Fortnite for half an hour isn’t critical, but after a few hours of such intensive use, the processor temperature is likely to reach its limit.
OS Bugs
Sometimes there may be nothing wrong with the battery and the processor, but errors in the operating system or installing unlicensed versions of software can greatly affect the temperature. If you feel overheated, it is worth running a system error check, updating your operating system and try not to use “pirated” operating software.
There are many kinds of malicious applications, and not all of them may cause overheating. But some of them (for example, miners) stealthily stress your video chip, processor and battery to the limit, draining them dry. The result – soon the expensive device will brick up.
And the last, but not least, point – technical failure of components. The battery with a crack, if after damage and will work, will definitely produce more heat than a new and whole battery. The processor with dried up thermal paste will have nowhere to remove the heat, and then there is no way to get rid of overheating. And so on.