4 Points That Prove Laravel Is Still Important
Using a high-quality and free, open-source PHP framework such as Laravel can be extremely beneficial for your company’s business because of many different reasons.
But before we dig deeper and get into all the reasons why Laravel is still at the top of every list in 2022, first, it’s essential to mention that by finding top-rated Laravel developers for hire, you will be provided with professionals that can make the best out of every situation.
And there is no doubt that Laravel makes things easier, but in order not to address this statement without proof, here are four crucial points that prove Laravel is still at the top of the game. Let’s begin.
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Laravel Puts Safety First
Safety is one of the crucial aspects of any part of life, so it is not any different in the tech world. Some of the most valuable Laravel security measures include path protection, data encryption, password management, user authentication, and user login and registration.
Laravel has several built-in features that skillfully help development teams in order to address online threats since cybersecurity is more than critical nowadays. This robust PHP framework also gives you a flexible interface to build apps, and the threats are detected even before they start to be harmful, which is essential for staying entirely sure everything is protected.
In addition, this type of security is crucial for protecting both your business data but also important for protecting your buyer’s data from a number of possible leaks or hacks. And put aside all other benefits from any framework, if security isn’t at the highest priority and something goes wrong, everything else is fundamentally unnecessary.
The Blade Template Engine
In essence, Blade is a straightforward yet mighty templating engine in Laravel.
One of the best advantages of the Blade template engine is that it doesn’t restrict Laravel developers from using plain PHP code in the templates, which is something that you can’t afford with many other PHP templating engines.
Furthermore, Blade gives you the opportunity to use lightweight in-built templates that can actually make a class-based component, and the components can be reused anywhere in the app layout because of the exploitation of dynamic content seeding.
A programming task may require a modeling engine usage as a tool, which actually processes code in source models and also directs the output of processing to a corresponding stream or text file. The Blade.php file is typically stored in the views/resources directory since Blade takes care of views. This PHP framework’s built-in model engine makes the views by compiling models in simple PHP code and caches them for much better performance.
Libraries That Are Object-Oriented
The impressive Laravel framework gives you the benefit to structure your code according to Model-View-Controller principles, but it also has an extremely expressive syntax that makes this PHP framework object-oriented.
And the benefits continue to improve since with Laravel, developers get more than twenty object-oriented and preinstalled modular libraries and secondary tools for being able to develop robust web apps whose quality is genuinely impressive.
That is why a developer can get all the latest PHP language principles in order to easily keep an eye on the development of modular and responsive web apps. Also, one of the most significant advantages is that Laravel has some special modules that are not available in most of the other PHP frameworks you can find today. For instance, this PHP framework has the authentication library that helps ensure the safety of the database by using aspects like CSRF protection or encryption.
High-Quality Unit Testing
Thanks to Laravel’s wide range of possibilities, Laravel developers can create unit tests for code and make a top-rated final application. The only thing that developers should think about is how to write units of code, and Laravel will provide them with support for unifying the units as a final application in an effortless way.
Furthermore, this unit testing gives developers a significant superiority of testing each element of the project and module as well, to make sure that the complete application will work correctly when all of them are integrated. Therefore, you will get an effectively made high-performance web app but also optimized web code.
It is more than evident why Laravel is still important in the tech world in 2022 and will continue to be even more beneficial since it is a constantly evolving framework. One proof that confirms this is that on February 8th this year, the newest version titled Laravel 9 was released. So, by making the perfect combination of choosing Laravel as a preferred choice and hiring top-rated Laravel developers, you can achieve your desired results quickly and efficiently.
Don’t waste any more time, and start using these benefits to improve your business in a significant way.