How to Ace Class 10 Maths Olympiad
Class 10 Maths Olympiad – Class 10 is a grade that matters a lot because it creates a base for the career and academic years. It is after that standard, that students have to select a particular stream and go up with different subjects. In India, streams have to be selected carefully because almost the whole career and the options for pursuing a profession depend on it. Hence, it is good for a child to explore all that he/she can till then. Only then they will be able to figure out what they want to do and what path they want to choose. Exploring means looking at different things and trying them out. For example – a student is interested in baking and wants to be a chef. To be sure if that profession is good for them, they need to talk to other chefs, visit places and know more about that profession as a full-time career in Class 10 Maths Olympiad .
Now if a student has a little bit of interest in social sciences but also in mathematics, he/she will have to carefully choose their stream and career path. The reason is that if a person goes for humanities/arts as a stream it blocks paths for a math student, but if he/she chooses Science and maths as their stream, all the options would remain open.
This is where Olympiads come to play their part. Olympiads are examinations for school students to compete with other students on an educational level that is similar to their educational level. It not only introduces a child to competition in that subject, which helps them to know whether they are really interested or not, but it also improves their skill and provides benefits that would be useful for other competitive exams or jobs for that matter.
In India, SOF, The Science Olympiad Foundation conducts various Olympiads each year for classes 1-10. These include:
- International Science Olympiad (ISO)
- International Maths Olympiad (IMO)
- English International Olympiad (EIO)
- General Knowledge
- International Olympiad (GKIO)
- International Computer Olympiad (ICO)
- International Drawing Olympiad (IDO)
- National Essay Olympiad (NESO)
- National Social Studies Olympiad (NSSO)
A very important and useful Olympiad is IMO, the International Math Olympiad. For class 10, has two levels and has 50 multiple choice questions in total. The first level is of 1-hour duration and has a total of 60 marks. After clearing that, you move onto the second level which is a 2-hour examination comprising of 70 questions and a total of 100 marks.
It comprises 4 sections – Logical Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning, Achievers Section and Everyday Mathematics.
The First Section has Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
The second section comprises Real numbers, polynomials, pair of linear equations in two variables, quadratic equation, arithmetic progression, triangle, co-ordinate geometry, introduction to trigonometry, some applications of trigonometry, circles, construction, areas related to circles, surface areas and volumes, statistics and probability.
The third section includes similar topics in section 2 and has mathematical reasoning and qualitative aptitude and the fourth section comprises higher complexity level questions with the topics in section 2.
To clear IMO, there are some things that should be kept in mind.
Conceptual clarity – It is critical to have a thorough understanding of all concepts with your heart. Once a learner understands the concept, he or she can solve any problem that is linked to it. Confusion and self-doubt will result if an idea is unclear.
Time management — While preparing for an Olympiad, it’s critical to keep up with your daily responsibilities, schoolwork, and extracurricular activities. It is important to keep up with what is going on in school and in the world.
Create a study timetable: Preparing for an Olympiad requires a well-organized study regimen. As a result, students must construct an Olympiad preparation program that considers the curriculum, key chapters, and difficult topics that necessitate additional study time. If students have a decent timetable, they will be able to dedicate more time to each course and topic.
Solve Previous Year’s Olympiad Exam and Sample Papers: It is extremely important for all students must solve the previous year’s Olympiad exam papers and IMO Maths Olympiad Sample Question Paper Class 10 in order to assess their knowledge and abilities in preparation for Olympiad examinations Solving previous year’s tests will help you get a sense of the various sorts of Olympiad problems and their levels of difficulty. Students can have a better grasp of their strengths and weaknesses in a certain subject of study after completing these papers and evaluating the validity of their responses.
Don’t be stressed: Students are frequently stressed about exams and are concerned about how well they will perform. It is critical to exercise often and keep your mind fresh in order to absorb and process all of the information.
Talk to Teachers: When a student practices or takes the Olympiad practice tests, they will run across problems with specific topics and questions. Maintaining a second duplicate and keeping track of them in a notebook is an excellent idea. After that, give your notebook to your teacher, who will work with you to help you excel in those topics. A teacher is always happy to help their students, and if you ask, they will gladly address any questions you may have.
Practice: This tried-and-true adage doesn’t need any further explanation. Until you’re perfect, practice, practice and practice some more. At least once, each question and activity must be practiced. The primary idea is to first comprehend all concepts, then revise by answering more questions of the same sort and making each issue crystal clear so that there are no misunderstandings. After so much practice, a student will feel at ease and secure in all of the questions that are asked, and they will not be scared or doubtful.
Class 10 Maths Olympiad are very important for students of class 10 to know more about their interests and to add a feather to their hat. In order to ace the International Math Olympiad, there are a few points that should be kept in mind while preparing for it. These include – knowing the syllabus well and clearing the concepts of each and every topic. It is important to manage your time and make a schedule. The most crucial thing to keep in mind is to keep your mind fresh and not be stressed about the exam.