Every Hack on Mac You May Not Be Aware Of
Did you know that there are more than 100 million active Mac computer users worldwide? Mac computers are famous for being easy to learn on and use for a number of applications. The operating system is meant to allow anyone to use a Mac computer for whatever their intended purposes are.
One thing that might take you by shock when it comes to Mac computers is the ability to use a hack on Mac to get some extra functions and use it. These Mac tricks also allow you to customize your computer and make it your own.
The good news is that you’ve come to the perfect spot to learn each main Mac hack and how to use it on your own Mac computer. Keep reading this article to learn some fun Mac tips and tricks today!
Table of Contents
Turn Desktop Folders Into Emojis
If you’re looking to make your Mac computer a bit more fun then you should learn the Mac hack that allows you to turn your desktop folders into emojis. Start by right-clicking and creating a folder. From there, you’ll need to use your search engine of choice to find the image of the emoji that you wish to use for the folder cover.
Drag the chosen image onto the desktop of your Mac computer and preview it. Next, you’ll want to edit and cut the emoji before pressing Command+C. Open the folder that you made earlier in the process and hit Get Info. The last step involves pressing Command+V in order to paste the emoji you’ve chosen into the folder.
Calculations With Spotlight
Spotlight is one of the most underrated applications that come with your Mac computer, and you owe it to yourself to learn the different things that it can help with. A big thing that will save you time when you’re using your Mac is the ability to use Spotlight for calculations as well as currency conversions
All you need to do in order to use Spotlight is open it up and type what you wish to calculate into the search bar. The answer to the equation will appear below as the result of the search.
Using the currency conversion option is even easier. You’ll need to list the amount of the currency that you wish to convert as well as its currency symbol. You’ll get the converted amount in the search results area.
Use Split View
Split View is one of the coolest applications that you’ll find on your Mac computer because it allows you to use two different applications at one time. These apps show up on your screen side-by-side so you don’t have to have one hidden to use the other.
It also eliminates the distraction caused by other apps. In order to access Split View, click the green button that makes the app go to full-screen mode. After you’ve done that you should have the option to choose to have the application take up the right side of the screen or the left side of the screen.
Whichever side you choose, that app will fill up the entire left or right half of the screen on your Mac computer. If you reach a point where you want to get out of Split View mode all you’ll need to do is hit the “Escape” button. This is also useful when you’re trying to take scrolling screenshot mac.
Create Keyboard Shortcuts
Mac computers also come with the ability to create a number of shortcuts using your keyboard. There are some typical shortcuts that you’ve likely used, like Command+C for copying text and Command+V in order to paste it elsewhere.
You also have the option to create your own as a way to make your Mac computer more convenient to use. If there are certain functions that you find yourself doing throughout your workday then you can create shortcuts to save yourself time.
All you’ll need to do is go to System Preferences and choose the Keyboard option. Next, pick Shortcuts and App Shortcuts before hitting the icon that looks like a plus sign. The main thing left to do is pick the application that you want to make shortcuts for and start making your own Mac shortcuts.
Change Volume Adjustments
Sometimes the adjustments to the volume on your Mac computer can be too large from one setting to the next. You probably didn’t know that you have the option to make these volume adjustments more granular for the best volume level customization.
It is quite simple to make the volume increments smaller on your Mac computer. Hit the Option button and hit the up arrow or the down arrow on your Mac’s keyboard in order to make these volume adjustments to find the right setting. Doing this brings up the sound box, which makes adjusting the volume a walk in the park.
Customize Menu Bar
Some people enjoy seeing the menu bar on their Mac computer while others despise it and feel that it distracts them. You have the option of customizing this menu bar or getting rid of it altogether. If you want to get rid of it then you’ll need to select System Preferences and then General.
Once you’re there, you’ll want to select the “automatically hide and show the menu bar” option on your screen. If you want to keep the menu bar in place but you want to change it up then you’ll hold the Command button and drag your icons into the spot where you want them to stay for quick and easy access.
Now You Know Each Hack on Mac
There are almost no limits to what you can do when it comes to each hack on Mac, as there are Mac tricks for almost anything you can imagine. You can change your desktop icons to emojis and you can take the time to customize the menu bar or get rid of it altogether. Don’t forget to use Spotlight to do quick calculations and currency conversions.
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